Improve your sex life with the latest advances in international medical treatments, tested and approved with the best results for any age and medical condition (diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, tobacco addiction, alcoholism, stress, anxiety, depression, psychological problems etc.), with thousands of men treated successfully all over the world.
No more obstacles to being a healthy, sexually active man
Over 170,000 men treated successfully all over the world
Our experience is linked to the largest international medical institution (Advanced Medical Institute) dedicated to the treatment of sexual impotence, with over 14 years of experience under the supervision of Dr. Jack Vaisman , the inventor of several formulas for the treatment of impotence, with the collaboration of Professor Ronal Virag (discoverer of papaverine in 1982) and with over 120 clinics spread around the five continents.
What is premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is defined as the incapacity to control your ejaculation. This normally means that ejaculation takes place before both you and your partner have achieved full satisfaction.
This can cause frustration, reduction in self-esteem and problems in your relationship with your partner. Couples often stop having sexual intercourse due to the lack of satisfaction associated with it. It is normally a chronic problem which can result, in certain situations, to either an improvement in the patient's condition or in abrupt relapses.
What are the causes of premature ejaculation?
There are two types of causes, which are not mutually exclusive:
The latest studies have demonstrated that patients who suffer from premature ejaculation usually have a more sensitive glans, which results in ejaculation with the minimum of stimulation.
Ejaculation in itself is involuntary. It cannot be triggered at will.
Other involuntary body mechanisms include heartbeats, digestion and sweating. Involuntary reflexes are triggered under pressure. For example, if you are tense or nervous, your cardiac frequency increases. You may suffer gastric discomfort or even sweating. If you are worried or under pressure while having sexual intercourse, you will ejaculate involuntarily.
Why cannot this be improved without medical help?
If you lose confidence, the problem becomes a constant one, which can provoke conditions of worry or nervousness faced with the mere fact of having sexual intercourse. This of course increases the problem. People who had a rapid ejaculation during their first sexual experience frequently continue to have one thereafter. Making love loses its element of pleasure when you are concentrating your efforts in delaying ejaculation, resisting the intensity of the orgasm.
How is it resolved?
What is the treatment for premature ejaculation?
There are three different options:
Psychological or psychiatric treatment
This system involves an indefinite number of consultations, which normally require the presence of your partner. Your past, your previous sexual experiences, your opinion of yourself, your family ideals and your childhood traumas are all analysed, with the aim of finding the origin of the problem. Although the reasons are often found, the need for the help of your partner may make the treatment fruitless or lengthen it longer than you wished.
Personal treatment
This often turns out to be the most popular treatment, with almost 100% improvement rates and high recovery rates. It involves the administration of a pharmacological solution, consisting of intracavernous vasodilator drugs (a therapy known as Vasoactive Therapy – V.A.T.), using an automatic injection device. After approximately 10 minutes, a natural erection takes place, with an approximate duration of 1 hour. The erection does not diminish after ejaculation.
By continuing to administer of this medication, you will be able to maintain sexual intercourse for a period of 15 to 20 minutes, even after having ejaculated.
The treatment will help you in different ways:
Over time, it will succeed in reducing the sensibility of the glans, and strengthen it based on continued practice, by means of more prolonged erections.
It will allow you to leave ejaculation in the background and concentrate on satisfying your partner, since you will have the security that, even ejaculating rapidly, you can continue until you and your partner are completely satisfied. Once the pressure ceases to worry you and ejaculation is no longer your greatest preoccupation, you will be essentially cured.
The possibilities of recovery depend on following these points:
• Use of the medication at least once per week and maintaining a stable sex life.
• Following the protocol proposed by the doctor.
• The patient must have sexual intercourse with every dose of medication, in order to recover his confidence.
The treatment plan includes...Permanent medical attention (24 hours per day, 365 days per year) by his specialist doctor, in case of emergency or for a simply informative consultation.Dosage adjustments during the period of treatment.A self-injector.Written instructions on the self-injection treatment.Twenty syringes.Twenty alcohol wipes.Approximately 20 doses of medication.
• First consultation:
You are currently in this.
• Second consultation (normally necessary in order to
- adjust the dose-response individually so as to ensure identical erections throughout the treatment). The patient must inform the doctor of the stiffness achieved and its duration.
- teach the patient everything about the self-injection technique.
- finally, tell the patient everything about his future progress, prognosis and following visits, and propose a treatment plan).
Treatment with gel or anaesthetic spray
These products anaesthetise the glans during the sex act. You must administer them 10 minutes before the sex act.
Unfortunately, they produce and anaesthetic effect on the vagina, meaning that condoms need to be used, and adjustment to the suitable dosage is difficult, making it possible that the man will not achieve orgasm.
What produces it?
A variety of studies indicate that 75 per cent of cases of impotence are caused by organic pathologies and the remaining 25 per cent are due to psychological problems.
The physical problem is generally produced by a blockage of the artery which impedes the entrance of sufficient blood flow to the penis to maintain an erection, and which increases over time, or which may even cause atrophy of the muscle due to lack of use.
The main physical causes of impotency include diabetes, prostate problems, tobacco, alcohol, blood pressure, accidents and age, while the psychological causes are concentrated on stress, insecurity, previous failures and a large variety of other personal circumstances.
Many males suffer this problem in silence, due to fear, consternation or scepticism and because they believe, wrongly, that the problem is caused by a lack of desire, tiredness, or as a retribution for their partner's inability to stimulate them properly.
The inability to fully satisfy their partner tends to create great frustration between the two, man and woman, and the pressure of this frustration is released in different ways, including violence, alcohol, gambling and other antisocial behaviour.
The lack of a normal sex life also has other negative effects on health in general, since those who suffer from this problem are more susceptible to suffering stress, pains and discomfort, a slow response by the immune system to illnesses and bad blood circulation.
When suffering from this problem, partners are more affected by feelings of loneliness and depression, and as the frustration increases, they tend to feel guilty about the various family problems and perhaps the need to take an alternative partner.
Treatments have been carried out with special diets, herbs and spices, acupuncture and oils, but none of these is effective, while medicine has offered prostheses, which are only effective in 30 per cent of cases, and also have their disadvantages.
In the past, specialists recommended the prosthesis operation very often, mainly due to its high financial benefit. However, these devices are usually rejected by the human body every two years.
Neither is it advisable that the psychological causes be treated by psychiatrists, because they employ long, expensive counselling consultations, which many people never complete due to the lack of visible results.
Today there are very good clinics specialising in impotency, which adapt the new medication to each specific case and also provide painless self-injectors.
How is it resolved?
The options referred to below are the most advanced therapeutic methods currently available in the field of sexual impotence.
1.- Pharmacological erection method
This is the most popular type of treatment, due to its high therapeutic efficiency rate, along with its other characteristics:
• Rapidity: the erectile dysfunction can be resolved in one week.
• Relatively low cost.
• Individualised dosage-response adjustments (duration and degree of erection).
• Easy, comfortable application.
• Minimal side-effects
• Possibility of complete recovery.
As a result of international medical-clinical experience going back over 10 years in the field of sexual impotencies, where thousands of patients have been treated, in most cases we have resolved their situation with the greatest guarantee and efficiency, by its use in different concentrations (minimum efficacious dose).
To date, Over 45,000 men and their partners have confirmed the complete success of this treatment in recent years.
Our medical treatment with vasodilator drugs, a method known as Vasoactive Therapy (V.A.T.).
With the easily-applied direct administration of a minimal quantity of solution, relaxation id produced of the smooth musculature of the penis (vasodilation). This sets a rate of blood flow sufficient to provide a powerful erection, which was not previously possible, for one reason or another.
The chemical substances used are muscular relaxants which act on the arteries irrigating the penis (small vessels with smooth walls). This pharmacological solution relaxes the muscular fibres of the vascular wall determining a vasodilation (opening of the vessels), thus inducing an erection when sufficient flow passes to the penis.
Normally, these vessels contract following an erection, interrupting the blood flow to the penis. This causes the loss of the erection. Using this solution, the vessels remain open (dilated) after ejaculation, the blood flow continues and the erection is maintained. This form of treatment is very safe and effective, as well as being self-applicable.
All cases of sexual impotence, premature ejaculation, reduction of libido etc. are specific indications for this treatment.
a) Physical diagnosis
a.1. Arterial blockage
Lack of a good erection following the administration of the first diagnostic dose of the pharmacological solution may indicate a blockage or interruption of the flow from the vessels which irrigate the penis. The walls of the blood vessels lose their elasticity, increase their rigidity, begin to stenosate (the lumen narrows) and finally become obstructed (blocked). Both the evaluation of the quantity of penile flow and the pathological degree of vascular compromise may be quantified using Doppler ultrasound diagnostic techniques.
If the blockage remains untreated and becomes very severe, this simple pharmacological method may lose its effectiveness. Therefore, as the only and final solution, surgical implant of prosthesis may be suggested, although occasionally it may finally be resolved by increasing the standard average dose of the pharmacological solution.
We can make an analogy of arterial blockage of the penis, as we have described previously, with a cardiological patient with blockage of the coronary arteries by atheromatous plaque s (cholesterol, fats) in their inner walls. This blockage reduces or interrupts the blood flow through them. Following the failure of drug-induced vascular dilation as a resolutory formula, a surgical operation was employed. The operation consists of a dilation induced by introducing a balloon catheter into the damaged coronary artery, which is then inflated (dilated) by introducing a liquid or gaseous substance into it. This induces greater widening of the artery and the corresponding increase in flow, resulting in a significant improvement in the efficiency of the organ - the heart. In medical terminology, this technique is known as a coronary angioplasty.
The effectiveness of the results obtained, as regards the degree of dilation and performance of the organ (heart) with the technique we have mentioned in the coronary field, may be compared (apart from the logical distances of organ specificity) with the pharmacological method we have described and which is being used in the blockage or interruption of arterial flow of the penis - with its consequent advantage over the previous method - in a simpler, non-surgical, pharmacological method.
It is very important that you be informed that a blockage in the vessels of the penis signifies an early symptom of generalised arterial rigidity, so that if you detect this symptom, you should visit your general practitioner for a general check-up.
Our specialist doctors will provide you with a pharmacological treatment which will help you to maintain an erection for a period of approximately one hour, as a consequence of the penile vascular dilation obtained. This treatment should preferably be used once or twice a week for a period of 2 to 6 months, depending on the case.
The number of doses recommended for a significant improvement, both in quality (strong erections) and in time (duration of the effect), has been determined at approximately 30. According to the latest studies, the great majority of patients subjected to the intracavernous injection treatment, including those with organic problems, experience an improvement. A recent study demonstrated that 70% of a sample of 615 patients with organic impotence experienced a noticeable improvement or recovered completely. 15% did not follow the treatment instructions correctly, meaning that, in real terms, 80% of the cases responded satisfactorily to the treatment (American Journal of Urology; Vol. 145, pp. 287-293).
Our experience over the last 12 years has shown us that the majority of patients improve and are able to achieve spontaneous erections. The possibilities of recovery depend on following these points:
• Maintenance of a normal way of life, if possible with sexual stability.
• Following exactly the protocol and the instructions given by their doctor.
• Adequate duration of erections in order to properly "exercise" the penis and its arteries.
• The patient must try to have sexual intercourse every time he uses the medication, in order to recover his confidence.
• Exhaustive control of influencing factors such as diabetes, arterial tension, tobacco, alcohol etc., as well as the general condition of his health.
If, following a period of treatment, the patient does not experience a noticeable improvement, it is necessary to continue with a second period of treatment in order to maintain its effectiveness in conditions of a healthy sex life, or to use this type of medication sporadically, whenever the patient wishes to have sexual intercourse, due to the almost irreversible vascular alterations produced in some severe-evolution pathologies: diabetes, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and others. When regularity in the arterial flow of the penis is achieved with this treatment, and therefore its erection, surgical operations aimed at implanting prosthesis will be avoided or delayed significantly.
a.2. Venous leak
In this case, the valves of the veins in the penis have a defect in their closure due to fibro-connective alteration of this valve network. The example of trying to fill a bath with an ill-fitting plug can be used as an analogy. With a poor erection, or with an ill-fitting plug, you will not feel satisfied; you will not succeed in filling the bath with water.
The degree of venous leak is usually diagnosed using a Doppler ultrasound exploration, prior to dilation of the vessels of the penis.
In this case, administering our pharmacological treatment may produce a satisfactory erection for performing the sex act. Venous valve function may improve or even restored, achieving two or three strong erections achieved per week, by using our treatment over a period of some months. Following this treatment, the results may be assessed and reconsidered. If the response is unsatisfactory, there is the possibility of a surgical vascular operation, depending on the patient's age and the dysfunction status.
b) Psychological diagnosis
The reduction or continued lack of an erection over a period of time may precipitate the presence of undesirable reflex habits or phobias due to “scenic fear” – fear of failing in the sex act.
The picture of anxiety thus established will increase the production and release of adrenalin, a powerful arterial vasoconstrictor, which will logically reduce and even disable the erection. Repeated traumas of this type will reinforce the phobia, which as a result will cause a great reduction in self-esteem, with side-effects harmful to the couple's relationship.
This problem can be easily and satisfactorily resolved with his type of pharmacological treatment.
c) Neurological diagnosis
Patients with neurological illnesses, even irreversible ones, can enjoy a satisfactory sex life with the regular use of these types of pharmacological treatment.
d) Diagnosis of premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is a physical disorder with a psychological component, i.e. a psychosomatic clinical picture.
The nervous sensibility of the penis is greatly increased, meaning that the threshold necessary for its excitation is greatly reduced. This can be observed diagnostically using a Biothensiometer Vibration Testing.
The purpose of this treatment is to reduce the increased sensibility of the penis in order, on one hand, to ensure contact of the penis with the vagina for a prolonged period, and on the other hand, to be able to apply other techniques, such as “penis-tip pressure” or “thought distraction”. Prolonged erections can be achieved by administering pharmacological treatment, and they can be maintained for a good length of time, even after ejaculation.
A good analogy could be that of the person who wears a pair of shoes for the first time. For a while, they feel pain in certain areas of the foot. The feet merely need to adapt to these shoes. Later, when the person is used to the shoes and their feet are accustomed to them, they will not feel pain, even walking on soft surfaces.
The same occurs with the penis. Using continued administration of the pharmacological treatment, with erections maintained even after ejaculation, the sensitivity of the penis is reduced, at the same time raising the threshold necessary to achieve the excitation that produces ejaculation. This allows the patient to gain self-confidence and lose his fear of failure through not satisfying his partner, with the consequent increase in mutual pleasure.
A second visit is usually necessary in order to:
• adjust the minimum necessary dosage in an individualised manner, with the aim of ensuring identical erections throughout the treatment. The patient must inform his doctor of the stiffness achieved and its duration.
• teach the patient everything about the self-injection technique.
• finally, to tell the patient everything about his future progress, prognosis and following visits, and propose a treatment plan.
The treatment plan includes...
Permanent medical attention (24 hours per day, 365 days per year) by his specialist doctor, in case of emergency or for a simply informative consultation.
Possible dosage readjustments during the period of treatment.
Written instructions on the self-injection treatment.
Therapeutic kit: One self-injector, a sufficient number of syringes and alcohol wipes.
Preparation of a prescription in order to collect the medication at the chemist's.
2.- Sex counselling
Our services include sex consultation or counselling for the patient and his partner on problems they may have with stress, relationship problems, anxiety, low self-esteem etc.
This counselling also includes the teaching of certain specifically-applied sexual techniques in certain individual or couple-related problems.
3.- Penis suction technique
This is based on introducing the penis into an aspirator or suction tube, either manual or electrical, which exerts negative pressure onto it. This pressure (vacuum) produces an erection, the maintenance of which requires elastic bands at the root of the penis.
Its use is practically limited to severe failures of the corporeal veno- occlusive mechanism.
4.- Penile prosthesis or other surgical techniques
Penile prosthesis has been performed for 25 years and involves surgical transplantation into the penis of a rigid, semi-rigid or inflatable prosthesis of variable size, which provides an erection.
This has resolved thousands of cases in penises with vascular or other types of complication, as well as others, very infrequent, where pharmacological treatment has had no effect.
There are various methods and techniques, each one having its advantages and disadvantages.
The disadvantage of the fact that it is a surgical treatment, with all the implications of risks of all types deriving from it, together with its high cost and the extraordinary results obtained recently in the field of pharmacotherapy, have definitively relegated these operations to a very limited number of cases. However, when necessary, we have professionals with many years of experience in performing this operation.
5.- The best-known oral medications are Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.
The recovery rate is between 70% and 90% of patients treated.
6.- With the intraurethral micro-suppository (Muse)
Effectiveness is around 60% and produces serious irritation in the urethra.