Female sexual dysfunctions
These form part of the different disorders suffered by women, and lead to sexual relations becoming unsatisfactory.
What is anorgasmy?
Anorgasmy is a blockage of the orgasmic component, but not of the excitation. It is a fairly frequent dysfunction.
There are several types of anorgasmy:
• Primary: Lack of orgasm for the entire life-span.
• Secondary: Includes women who stop having orgasms following a period in their lives when they achieved them.
• Absolute: If she is unable to reach orgasm by means of any procedure (self-stimulation, hetero-masturbation etc.)
• Relative: When she achieves orgasm in a certain manner, for example, coital anorgasmy.
• Situational: If she can achieve orgasm only in certain specific circumstances.
The causes of anorgasmy include the organic ones, which only represent 5%, and the psychological ones. The first type consists of endocrinological diseases (diabetes etc.), neurological illnesses, gynaecological illnesses etc. The second type includes negative cultural conditions, traumatic sexual experiences, interpersonal factors, sexual misinformation, monotony in relationships, lack of concentration, anxiety etc. as the most frequent reasons.
How is it resolved?
When people suffer some type of problem of this nature, they should not feel embarrassed, and should go to the sexology consultancy. The solution is easier and quicker when it is a recent problem. The therapy carried out generally involves the couple.
It is necessary and essential for success that the treatment be monitored by a sex-therapist.
All female sexual dysfunctions are treatable, with a success rate of 95%.
What is vaginism?
Vaginism is the impossibility of performing the sex act, due to involuntary contraction of the muscles of the lower third of the vagina.
In some cases, women suffering from vaginism can enjoy sex toys, and even achieve orgasm as long as coitus does not occur.
The psychological causes of vaginism are the most abundant. Sexual misinformation or lack of communication, which leads to fear and dread, traumatic experiences (rape, sexual abuse, fear of pregnancy, fear of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases etc.).
How is it resolved?
When people suffer some type of problem of this nature, they should not feel embarrassed, and should go to the sexology consultancy. The solution is easier and quicker when it is a recent problem. The therapy carried out generally involves the couple.
It is necessary and essential for success that the treatment be monitored by a sex-therapist.
All female sexual dysfunctions are treatable, with a success rate of 95%.
What is dispareuny?
Also known as coitalgia, it is discomfort suffered by the woman during the sex act, making it painful or difficult. It includes from post-coital vaginal irritation to severe pain.
Its origins may be organic, such as infectious agents, genitourinary diseases, irritations due to contraceptive barrier materials (condoms, diaphragms, IUD intra-uterine devices, spermicides) and in old age, senile vaginitis.
The psychological causes may be loss of interest in the partner, which can cause inadequate vaginal lubrication, or lack of excitation at the moment of penetration.
How is it resolved?
When people suffer some type of problem of this nature, they should not feel embarrassed, and should go to the sexology consultancy. The solution is easier and quicker when it is a recent problem. The therapy carried out generally involves the couple.
It is necessary and essential for success that the treatment be monitored by a sex-therapist.
All female sexual dysfunctions are treatable, with a success rate of 95%.
What is anaphrodisia?
Also defined as inhibited sexual desire, it is an inhibition of excitation in general. It is manifested by a lack of erotic feelings, with sexual intercourse resembling a punishment for these women. The situation provokes dissatisfaction and depression, with excuses constantly being formulated as a chance to avoid a sexual relationship.
The causes are fundamentally psychological: denial of success, pleasure and love, fear of rejection by the partner, difficulties in manifesting sexual desires, conflicts etc.
How is it resolved?
It is necessary and essential for success that the treatment be monitored by a sex-therapist.
All female sexual dysfunctions are treatable, with a success rate of 95%.